Technical specifications
DSLR Camera by Lemo
CPU and multi-GPU rendering
- Fast, unbiased CPU rendering.
- Achieve blistering rendering performance with any OpenCL supporting GPUs.
- Supported on Windows, macOS and Linux, on Nvidia, AMD and Intel units.
Realtime Scene Editing
- Interactive editing of materials, including dynamically compiled shaders.
- Realtime camera movement, including trackball, depth of field adjustment, etc.
- Works seamlessly with network rendering and GPU acceleration.
Integrated Network Rendering
- Render a single image efficiently across multiple machines.
- Included Network Manager load balances slaves among masters across a network.
Floating Licences
Participating Media
- Sub-Surface Scattering (SSS).
- Unbiased multiple scattering - for the ultimate in realistic SSS.
- Wavelength-dependent scattering and absorption coefficients.
- Henyey-Greenstein, Uniform and Rayleigh phase functions.
- Atmospheric scattering model including Mie and Rayleigh scattering.
Full Spectral Rendering
- All light transport calculations use spectral colour instead of RGB colour.
- Rendering parameters, such as material colours, accept arbitrary spectra instead of RGB colours.
Support for Complex Geometry
- Support for extremely large meshes.
- Instancing support - A mesh can be repeated in a scene thousands of times with little additional memory usage.
- True displacement mapping for highly detailed surfaces.
Physical Camera Model
- Realistic aperture for accurate depth-of-field simulation.
- Focal distance - automatic or manual.
- Shift lens.
- Familiar to photographers: F-stop, exposure and white balance control.
- Orthographic camera support.
- Spherical camera for panoramic images.
High Performance
- Written in SSE-optimised C++ for optimum performance.
- Multi-threaded to take full advantage of multi-core CPUs.
- GPU acceleration delivers a large performance boost.
- Efficiently parallelises over any other render nodes in the network.
Output Channels
- Colour channels with per-light layers
- Alpha channel for compositing against background plates
- Shadows
- Depth
- Material ID
Multiple output image formats
- Both High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Low Dynamic Range (LDR) formats.
- 32 bit per component EXR and IGI output (HDR).
- PNG, JPEG, TIFF output (LDR).
Physically-based Sky and Sunlight Model
Realistic Physically-based Materials
- Accurate dielectric reflection and transmission, including dispersion, total internal reflection, etc.
- Accurate reflection from rough and smooth metal surfaces, using measured material data.
- Lambertian material.
- Lambertian material with rough or smooth dielectric coating.
- Oren-Nayar material for rough, backscattering materials such as clay.
- Diffuse transmitter material for fast SSS approximation for thin objects.
- Blend material for creating arbitrarily-complicated material trees.
- Rough transparent dielectric material for simulating frosted glass etc.
- Double-sided thin material for realistic leaves, printed paper etc.
- Coating material for complex coated materials such as car paint.
Online Material Database
- Browse, download and share Indigo materials with other Indigo users.
Metropolis Light Transport
Shader System
- All material parameters can be controlled by a shader program written in Indigo Shader Language (ISL).
- Just-in-time (JIT) compiled shaders for maximum performance.
Motion Blur
- Camera and object motion blur.
- Completely accurate, unbiased motion blur.
- Non-linear paths even during a single frame.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Simple and intuitive, yet powerful GUI.
- Pause, resume or save render progress.
- Control network rendering.
- Simple licensing dialogue for licensing the free version, in order to unlock the full version
HDR Environment-Map Lighting
- Load an EXR or HDR map for simple and realistic scene lighting.
IES Profiles
- Efficiently render scenes with IES light profiles, for realistic architectural lighting.
Camera Aperture Diffraction (Glare)
- Realistic camera aperture diffraction (glare) based on accurate optics simulation.
- Works with arbitrary camera apertures and obstacle maps.
Cross Platform
- Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 support. (32 and 64 bit)
- macOS 10.9 - 10.13 support. (64 bit)
- Linux support. (64 bit)
Advanced Tone Mapping
- Multiple methods for tone mapping a HDR image to a LDR image.
- Reinhard tone mapping for fully automatic exposure handling.
- Camera tone mapping for accurate simulation of real camera films.
Arch. and product viz features
Supported 3D Applications
- SketchUp
- Autodesk 3ds Max
- Cinema 4D
- Blender
- Revit
- Documented XML format for integrating with other packages