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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <name>Woodchip Wallpaper</name>
                        <rgb>0.8 0.8 0.8</rgb>
                            <description>Scale of the wood chips in the wallpaper</description>
                            <description>Number of octaves used in FBM</description>
                            <description>Height of the wood chips in the wallpaper</description>
                            <description>The width of the wallpaper (disance between seams)</description>
                            <description>Depth of the seams between wallpapers</description>
                            <description>Width of the seam between wallpapers</description>
                            <description>Scales all parameters except for WoodChipOctaves</description>
                        <![CDATA[def notClamp(real x, real a, real b) real:
	if(x < a || x > b, 0.2 * x, x)

def eval() real:
		tex_coords = getTexCoords(0)
		one_over_scale = 1.0 / paramGlobalScale()
		wood_chip_tex_coords = tex_coords * (paramWoodChipScale() * one_over_scale)
		scaled_wallpaper_width = paramWallpaperWidth() * paramGlobalScale()
		scaled_seam_width = paramSeamWidth() * paramGlobalScale()
		scaled_seam_depth = paramSeamDepth() * paramGlobalScale()
		scaled_chip_bump = paramWoodChipBumpScale() * paramGlobalScale()
		seam_width_half = 0.5 * scaled_seam_width
		tex_coords_mod_seams = mod(tex_coords.x + 128.0, scaled_wallpaper_width)
		section_offset = real(floorToInt(tex_coords.x / scaled_wallpaper_width)) * 1024.0
			notClamp(fbm01(wood_chip_tex_coords + vec2(section_offset, section_offset), paramWoodChipOctaves()), 0.6, 0.9) +
			notClamp(fbm01(wood_chip_tex_coords + vec2(1337.0 + section_offset, 666.0 + section_offset), paramWoodChipOctaves()), 0.6, 0.8) +
			notClamp(fbm01(wood_chip_tex_coords + vec2(666.0 + section_offset, 1337.0 + section_offset), paramWoodChipOctaves()), 0.6, 0.8)
		) * scaled_chip_bump
		#+ noise(wood_chip_tex_coords) * 0.00015 * paramGlobalScale()
		- smoothPulse(scaled_wallpaper_width - seam_width_half, scaled_wallpaper_width, 0.0, seam_width_half, tex_coords_mod_seams) * scaled_seam_depth]]>
