Indigo SDK 18

Discussion for users of the Indigo Renderer SDK.
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Post by rgigante » Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:36 pm

well... thanks Fused.

Here are my final considerations:
if u modify driver.cpp in indigo_dll_example adding in the renderer settings a super_sample_factor = 1 and the run the code u'll see that everything works fine as you mentioned above.

But if u modify the creation of the buffer from

Code: Select all

	// Get the rendered & tone mapped image:
	// Alloc a buffer
	const indUInt32 buffer_width = indigo->getBufferWidth();
	const indUInt32 buffer_height = indigo->getBufferHeight();
   std::vector<indUChar8> buffer(buffer_width * buffer_height * 3);

Code: Select all

	// Get the rendered & tone mapped image:
	// Alloc a buffer
	const indUInt32 buffer_width = 600 //(equal to the renderer settings params);
	const indUInt32 buffer_height = 600; //(equal to the renderer settings params);
   std::vector<indUChar8> buffer(buffer_width * buffer_height * 3);
u'll see that the bmp image which is created at the end of the story is totally black.

At the end of the story u have to use getBufferWidth() and getBufferHeight() to define your framebuffer (but always after the tonemapping operation otherwise they return "0") or u have to stitch on ssf > 1.

Once again something "must" be fixed.

Here my two cents.


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Post by fused » Sat Feb 28, 2009 10:09 pm

heres my tonemapping func. basically i check if the buffer size is larger than the size of the c4d buffer. if yes i just crop

Code: Select all

Bool IndigoData::CopyToC4DBuffer(VideoPostStruct *vps)
	//Get handle
	IndigoHandle<IndigoInterface1> indigo = indigoClass->GetIndigoHandle();

	//pause 4 tonemapping

	//tonemapping output

	// Start the tonemapping process.  We will get a message back later, when the tonemapping is done.

	// Wait for tonemapping done message
	bool tonemapping_done = false;

			IndigoMessageInterface1* message = indigo->dequeueMessage();

			if(message->getType() == IndigoMessageInterface1::TONEMAPPING_DONE)
				tonemapping_done = true;
			else if(message->getType() == IndigoMessageInterface1::ERROR_MESSAGE)
				MessageDialog(String("ERROR: ") + static_cast<IndigoErrorMessageInterface*>(message)->getMessage());
				//TODO proper error handling
				return FALSE;
			else if(message->getType() == IndigoMessageInterface1::LOG_MESSAGE)

			delete message;


	// Get the rendered & tone mapped image:
	// Alloc a buffer
	const indUInt32 buffer_width = indigo->getBufferWidth();
	const indUInt32 buffer_height = indigo->getBufferHeight();
	std::vector<indUChar8> indBuffer(buffer_width * buffer_height * 3);

		// Copy the image from the indigo DLL buffer to our buffer
		indigo->copyBuffer(&indBuffer[0], indBuffer.size());

		//get number of channels
		LONG cpp = rgba->GetInfo(VPGETINFO_CPP);
		LONG bh = rgba->GetBh();
		LONG bw = rgba->GetBw();

		//alloc mem for line buffer
		LONG bufLength = cpp*irstruc.width*sizeof(indUChar8);
		indUChar8* buffer = bNew indUChar8[bufLength];
		if (!buffer) return RAY_NOMEM;

		//copy indigo buffer to c4d buffer
		LONG y, i;
		for (i=irstruc.indY,y=irstruc.canvasYtop;y<=irstruc.canvasYbottom;y++,i++)

			LONG j, x;
			for (j=irstruc.indX,x=0;x<=irstruc.width-1;x++,j++)
				LONG ip = i;
				LONG jp = j;
				if (buffer_width != irstruc.indWidth) {
					ip += 2;
					jp += 2;
				buffer[x*cpp + 0]=indBuffer[((ip)*buffer_width + (jp))*3 + 0];
				buffer[x*cpp + 1]=indBuffer[((ip)*buffer_width + (jp))*3 + 1];
				buffer[x*cpp + 2]=indBuffer[((ip)*buffer_width + (jp))*3 + 2];

		//update screen

	if (!indigoClass->IsPaused()) {

	return TRUE;

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