While implementing a background management into IndigoMax I've ran on a couple of errors / possibly bugs.
1. Sum material xml output looks like this
Code: Select all
Obviously the last two weights are reduntant. I've double checked and weights vector contains only two items, so it seems an output bug. It doesn't affect scene generation, so it's a minor issue
2. Setting a texture parameter for background material emission (simple diffuse or sum) will
crash program after renderer->startRendering() without any warning. Note: root gets finalized and renderer was initialized with scene properly. However, the scene exported with: writeToXMLFileOnDisk method will render properly with Indigo standalone. This is a major error. Any ideas or pointers?
3. There's a number of errors with writeToXMLFileOnDisk for scenes that render properly with IndigoSDK
- materials defined in sphere node don't get proper UIDs
- mesh element name defaults to "Mesh", which generates scene parsing error. I believe it might be a historical issue, yet now I see no reason why duplicate mesh name (with unique IDs) would generate any error - it's kind of decoration as I see it. If for any reason keeping mesh name unique is crucial, I would suggest setting it to mesh external file name, if it wasn't explicitly defined. BTW what is the algorithm for mesh filename generation?
- floating point localization error. Scene exported on same system cannot be parsed by Indigo standalone using numeric loacalization. My workaround is setting numeric locale before export with setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "english" ); This matter should be addressed either in SDK or Indigo standalone, so scene could be properly parsed on same system (preferably on all systems)
4. Could anyone answer earlier question? Is it possible to adjust light layers with IndigoSDK while rendering?
Thank a lot,