subpixel wrote:Hello to all,
I'm having some doubts and I hate to bother Nick alone. Here it is.
Hi subpixel,
subpixel wrote:What is the purpose of rotation attribute on model, when there's AngleAxis
specified in keyframe data (omitting it will however crash indigo) ?
The purpose of the rotation matrix (which is a misnomer), is that it can also have scaling, which keyframes currently do not allow.
The thing about having to have at least one keyframe it that it the objects position is read from the first keyframe, even if you don't use motion blur.
If you are not using motion blur and are using the rotation matrix for rotation and scaling, the keyframes Axis angle should be the identity, the time should be 0:
Code: Select all
model->keyframes.push_back(KeyFrame(0.0, parseIndigoVec3(elem, "pos"), AxisAngle::identity()));
If you want to use the AxisAngle for rotation instead, you can also do that and use the rotation matrix for scaling only.
Also, it shouldn't crash, it should give an error instead - putting it on the todo list.
subpixel wrote:Are multiple normals per vertex supported (I mean smoothing groups or
hard creases) ?
Yes. The way to do it with the IndigoMesh is to have multiple vertex/normal pairs for the vertex with differing normals.
I can send you some code from Cindigo that exports meshes that way, if you like.
subpixel wrote:Is it possible to subdivide a mesh view-independently with arbitrary
number of iterations ?
Yes, you can just set view_dependent to "false" and then just set the number of subdivisions.
subpixel wrote:Is it safe to skip naming objects (with setName method) ?
subpixel wrote:Why is emission_scales or ies_profiles defined as Vector (how might
other values be used) ?
emission_scale and ies_profiles are for material/object pairs. You can have different ies and scaling for each material on the object.
Hope this helps,