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Search found 657 matches
by Polinalkrimizei
Thu May 28, 2009 3:27 pm
Forum: Bugs and Requests
Topic: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark
Replies: 29
Views: 10125

Re: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark

OK so here it is almost noise-free.

Thanks CTzn, if this is true I should consider to not be lazy and to turn off hybrid.

Gonna cook another image now, very excited about the "hybrid-purple-theory"!
by Polinalkrimizei
Thu May 28, 2009 9:13 am
Forum: Bugs and Requests
Topic: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark
Replies: 29
Views: 10125

Re: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark

Well it is not just noise... I'll let the first render cook for a night on three 2-core machines, so it'll be more or less noise-free, and I bet it is gonna stay dark and purple. Update tomorrow. So this means we have to change all of our nice sss-mats? :( EDIT: And why suvakas can't reproduce this?...
by Polinalkrimizei
Thu May 28, 2009 8:38 am
Forum: Bugs and Requests
Topic: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark
Replies: 29
Views: 10125

Re: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark

ok so here are my quick and dirty testrenders. I don't really believe it is a bug, but the pictures look clearly different! First one is indigo_v1.1.18, second one is indigo_v1.1.13. Settings are exactly the same, I am using hybrid and bdri all the time cause I'm lazy. Same tonemapping, same everyth...
by Polinalkrimizei
Wed May 27, 2009 8:47 am
Forum: Bugs and Requests
Topic: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark
Replies: 29
Views: 10125

Re: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark

Is there a chance that it is gonna be fixed for the free versions of indigo? PLEASE Ono...
by Polinalkrimizei
Wed May 27, 2009 7:35 am
Forum: Bugs and Requests
Topic: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark
Replies: 29
Views: 10125

Re: [BUG] Glossy transp mat getting way too dark

Yes I am having the same problem! What's wrong?
by Polinalkrimizei
Mon May 25, 2009 9:10 pm
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Render Book(Stromberg)
Replies: 591
Views: 150344

Re: Render Book(Stromberg)

Very nice render! And even better with the gamma correction. I like your renderbook Stromberg, it is nice to see how everything is developing.

One minor thing: Are you using a "real world scale"? For some reason the table looks a little like a miniature...
by Polinalkrimizei
Mon May 25, 2009 7:50 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: "menu" Water Jug. Indigo Competition wip
Replies: 93
Views: 32556

Re: "menu" Water Jug. Indigo Competition wip

Thanks for the comment, you are right! If I don't declare the material as light plastic, the jug might need a bigger handle...
by Polinalkrimizei
Mon May 25, 2009 7:41 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Render Book(Stromberg)
Replies: 591
Views: 150344

Re: Render Book(Stromberg)

Definitly without. The lamp does look kinda cool, but also looks like a show-off-effect. Without it I immediately feel very relaxed looking at the picture...
by Polinalkrimizei
Sun May 24, 2009 11:04 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: "menu" Water Jug. Indigo Competition wip
Replies: 93
Views: 32556

Re: "menu" Water Jug. Indigo Competition wip

change of perspective... much better IMO.
Gonna add some nice water splashes now...
by Polinalkrimizei
Sun May 24, 2009 10:51 am
Forum: Works in Progress
Topic: Render Book(Stromberg)
Replies: 591
Views: 150344

Re: Render Book(Stromberg)

Yep, definetly more interesting... I did like the floor though!
by Polinalkrimizei
Fri May 22, 2009 2:04 am
Forum: Finished Artwork
Topic: Retro Radio
Replies: 12
Views: 3992

Re: Retro Radio

i was also sure that I could see "shapes" underneath the wire thing... very well done stromberg, nice style! just one tiny little thing: the antenna looks like aluminium, i would expect it to be more reflective
by Polinalkrimizei
Thu May 21, 2009 9:00 am
Forum: Indigo General Stuff
Topic: Changing Indigos render network port
Replies: 2
Views: 1654

Re: Changing Indigos render network port

works at least for indigo_v1.1.18
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