Options Dialog

Options Dialog

The options dialog holds settings for the Indigo user interface and rendering options, networking configuration and OpenGL / input controls.

We'll cover these sections sequentially, corresponding to tabs in the options dialog:

  1. Interface and Render

    • Ask before quitting - Prompts the user for confirmation before exiting Indigo.
    • Ask before closing scene - Prompts the user for confirmation before closing scenes.
    • Default scrollwheel behaviour - By default, when scrolling the mouse wheel over a control which can itself scroll, it will scroll the contents instead of the parent window. When this option is unchecked, it instead scrolls over the control in the parent window without transferring focus.
    • Theme - Changes the appearance of the Indigo user interface according to a selection of pre-defined themes.
    • Information overlay - Displays information about the render in a small black rectangle in the bottom left corner of the image.
    • Watermark - Displays an Indigo watermark in the bottom right corner of the image. Cannot be disabled in trial / unlicensed mode.
    • Image save period - Automatically saves the image periodically, according to how many seconds are specified in the input field.
    • Save Indigo Image - When automatically saving images, this option toggles whether or not a full Indigo Image is saved (rather than only a normal PNG).
  2. Network

    • Use network manager - Specifies that Indigo's network rendering should be coordinated by a Network Manager instead of running independently.
    • Network manager hostname - The network computer name for the network manager; this cannot be "localhost" or "" since the name is passed on to other computers, which will incorrectly try to connect to themselves, instead of the particular computer on which it was specified. Other computer names or IPs are valid.
    • Use floating licence - Specifies that Indigo's licensing system should attempt to use a network floating licence instead of the normal per-computer licensing system.
    • Do master search broadcast - If this option is enabled, Indigo will periodically search the local area network (LAN) for Indigo masters wanting rendering slaves.
  3. OpenGL and Controls

    • Render with textures - Specifies whether the OpenGL preview should use texture maps from the scene. This uses extra GPU memory and increases scene loading time.
    • Maximum texture resolution - Specifies the maximum width or height of textures used in the OpenGL preview. This is useful for reducing the amount of additional memory used by the OpenGL preview.
    • Render wireframes - When enabled, the OpenGL preview shows the scene polygons using wireframe rendering, which can be useful to see the geometric detail in a model.
    • Mouse sensitivity - The slider position specifies how fast the camera will rotate, pan or zoom when in real-time mode; further to the left means less sensitive, further to the right means more sensitive.
    • Invert Y axis - If this option is enabled, mouse movement on the vertical (Y) axis will be inverted, i.e. moving the mouse up will make the camera look down.
  4. Image Saving

    • JPEG Image Quality - Controls the quality setting for JPEG images saved by Indigo.
    • EXR Bit Depth - Allows you to set the bit depth of saved EXR files.
    • EXR Compression method - Choose the compression method used by when saving EXR files.
    • Combine Layers and Channels into single file - When enabled, layers and channels are combined into a single EXR file, when disabled, Layers and Channels are saved separately to files suffixed with the layer/channel name.
  5. OpenCL (GPU)

    • Show CPU devices - When enabled, CPU devices are listed and available for OpenCL rendering.